
Abstract Purpose Mortality appears to be lower in family caregivers than in the general population. However, there is lack of knowledge whether the difference in mortality between family caregivers and the general population is dependent on age. The purpose of this study was to analyze all-cause mortality in relation to age in family caregivers and to study their cause-specific mortality using data from multiple Finnish national registers. Methods The data included all individuals, who received family caregiver's allowance in Finland in 2012 (n = 42 256, mean age 67 years, 71% women) and a control population matched for age, sex, and municipality of residence (n = 83 618). Information on dates and causes of death between 2012 and 2017 were obtained from the Finnish Causes of Death Register. Flexible parametric survival modeling and competing risk regression adjusted for socioeconomic status were used. Results The total follow-up time was 717 877 person-years. Family caregivers had lower all-cause mortality than the controls over the follow-up (8.1% vs. 11.6%) both among women (hazard ratio [HR]: 0.64, 95% CI: 0.61-0.68) and men (HR: 0.73, 95% CI: 0.70-0.77). Younger adult caregivers had equal or only slightly lower mortality than their controls, but after age 60, the difference increased markedly resulting in over 10% lower mortality in favor of the caregivers in the oldest age groups. Caregivers had lower mortality for all the causes of death studied, namely cardiovascular, cancer, neurological, external, respiratory, gastrointestinal and dementia than the controls. Of these, the lowest was the risk for dementia (subhazard ratio=0.29, 95%CI: 0.25-0.34). Conclusions Older family caregivers have lower mortality than the age-matched controls from the general population while younger caregivers have similar mortality to their peers. This age-dependent advantage in mortality is likely to reflect selection of healthier individuals into the family caregiver role. Key messages The difference in mortality between family caregivers and the age-matched general population varies considerably with age. Advantage in mortality observed in family caregiver studies is likely to reflect the selection of healthier individuals into the caregiver role, which underestimates the adverse effects of caregiving.

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