
Background: Due to geographic conditions, Indonesia has gotten exposed to sun rays consistenly for the whole year. Besides, Many parts of the Indonesian coastline are open areas while at the same time there's not much place to take shelter caused exposure to sun rays become more frequent. This condition puts the people around coasts at high risk of Age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
 Content: AMD is a chronic eye disease that causes central vision impairment due to degeneration of retinal photoreceptor. 8 millions of people are enduring blindness due to retina complications not excluding AMD. Causes for AMD are ranging from sun exposure, smoking habit, diet, hypertency, and genetic factors. Blue light and ultraviolet light that is contained within sun rays are the main cause of harm to tissues in the retina and reduces vision function. In preventing AMD progression, photodynamic laser therapy, photocoagulation, and anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) therapy is highly recommended.
 Conclusion: Best action that can be done currently is preventing it by holding counseling sessions and increasing public awareness through education and therapies like laser therapy and anti-VEGF won't cure AMD but will slow down the progression, especially wet type AMD.

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