
Shoots of two species of moss, Plagiomnium undulatum (Hedw.) Kop. and Plagiomnium affine (Funck) Kop., were subjected to freezing at various temperatures. After thawing, the activities of different photosynthetic reactions were determined in relation to the ages of the leaves. Analysis of the fast kinetics of chlorophyll-a fluorescence of individual leaves showed that young and old tissues were considerably less frost tolerant than mature ones. In principle, the pattern of freeze inactivation of photosynthetic reactions resembles that observed in higher plants. The decreases in the amplitude of Fv (variable fluorescence) and the ratio of Fv to Fm (maximum fluorescence) with increasing freezing stress reflect a progressive inactivation of photosystem II (PSII)-mediated electron transport, i.e. inhibition of photoreaction to photochemistry and-or electron donation to the photochemical reaction, and thus a decline in the potential photochemical efficiency of PSII. The insignificant change in the F0 (constant fluorescence) level during progressive decline of Fv indicates that the excitation-energy transfer between antenna pigments and from those to reaction centres of PSII was little impaired by lethal freezing stress. Sugar analyses of various stem sections showed that ontogenetic variation in the frost tolerance of leaves cannot be attributed to differences in the cellular levels of sucrose, glucose and fructose.

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