
Temporal information provided by cochlear implants enables successful speech perception in quiet, but limited spectral information precludes comparable success in voice perception. Talker identification and speech decoding by young hearing children (5-7 yr), older hearing children (10-12 yr), and hearing adults were examined by means of vocoder simulations of cochlear implant processing. In Experiment 1, listeners heard vocoder simulations of sentences from a man, woman, and girl and were required to identify the talker from a closed set. Younger children identified talkers more poorly than older listeners, but all age groups showed similar benefit from increased spectral information. In Experiment 2, children and adults provided verbatim repetition of vocoded sentences from the same talkers. The youngest children had more difficulty than older listeners, but all age groups showed comparable benefit from increasing spectral resolution. At comparable levels of spectral degradation, performance on the open-set task of speech decoding was considerably more accurate than on the closed-set task of talker identification. Hearing children's ability to identify talkers and decode speech from spectrally degraded material sheds light on the difficulty of these domains for child implant users.

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