
Leptin is a key catabolic regulator of food intake (FI) and energy expenditure. Both aging and obesity have been shown to induce leptin-resistance. The present study aimed to analyze age-related changes in the anorexigenic and hypermetabolic responsiveness to acute intracerebroventricular leptin administration in different age-groups of normally fed male Wistar rats (adult and old rats from 3 to 24months of age, NF3 to NF24, respectively). The expressions of the long form of the leptin receptor (Ob-Rb) and inhibitory SOCS3 genes were also assessed by quantitative RT-PCR in the arcuate nucleus (ARC). The influence of high-fat diet-induced obesity (HF) on the anorexigenic leptin effects were also tested in younger and older middle-aged groups (HF6 and HF12).Leptin-induced anorexia varied with age: leptin suppressed re-feeding FI (following 48-h fasting) strongly in young adult (NF3), but not in younger or older middle-aged (NF6 or NF12) or in aging (NF18) rats. However, anorexigenic leptin effects reached statistical significance again in old NF24 rats. Leptin-induced hypermetabolism, on the other hand, showed monotonous age-related decline and disappeared by old age. Ob-Rb expression declined until 12months of age followed by a partial recovery in NF18 and NF24 groups. On the other hand, SOCS3 expression was high in NF6 and NF18 and to some extent in NF24 rats. Age-related alterations of Ob-Rb and SOCS3 expression in the ARC may partly contribute to the explanation of age-related variations in anorexigenic but not hypermetabolic leptin effects. High-fat diet-induced obesity was associated with resistance to leptin-induced anorexia in HF6, similar to that seen in NF6. However, instead of the expected leptin-resistance in HF12, a strong leptin-induced suppression of re-feeding was detected in these obese middle-aged rats.Our results suggest that acute central effects of leptin on anorexia and hypermetabolism change in disparate ways during aging, implying separate mechanisms (e.g. signal transduction pathways) of different leptin actions. The age-related pattern shown by leptin-induced anorexia may contribute to the explanation of middle-aged obesity, and partly to that of aging anorexia. Our findings concerning obese rats are in accord with previous observations on anorexigenic effects of peripherally administered cholecystokinin: diet-induced obesity appeared to accelerate the development of age-related regulatory alterations. Similarly, our present data also raise the possibility that chronic diet-induced obesity promotes responsiveness to centrally applied leptin at least concerning anorexigenic effects.

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