
MR. J. REID MOIR has recently directed attention to an interesting series of worked flints found beneath the Red Crag, exhibited at present in the British Museum1. Adhering to one of these flints is some ferruginous sandy material which Mr. Moir regards as Diestian, since it resembles the sandstone of which the well-known Suffolk Boxstones are composed. Thanks to the courtesy of Mr. Reginald Smith, I have had an opportunity of examining this specimen. The encrusting material is an iron-cemented sand which appears to me to bear a stronger resemblance to Red Crag sand than to Boxstone material. The quantity of sand is too small to permit mineralogical analysis ; moreover, such a process would destroy the evidence. Even if it were proved to be Boxstone detritus, the possibility of its having been re-deposited in Red Crag times would have to be seriously considered.

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