
The paper reports Ar-Ar, Rb-Sr, and U-Pb (SHRIMP II) geochronologic data on carbonatites in Transbaikalia, related metasomatically altered rocks, and comagmatic silicate alkaline rocks. Metamorphic processes at two carbonatite occurrences were dated at 550–559 Ma (U-Pb and Rb-Sr methods). Geochronologic data make it possible to distinguish two major epochs when carbonatite were formed: Late Mesozoic in southwestern Transbaikalia and Late Riphean-Vendian in northern Transbaikalia. Small carbonatite occurrences are also known in the Vitim and Baikal alkaline provinces, which were formed in the Middle-Late Paleozoic. The Late Mesozoic carbonatite-forming epoch is definitely correlated with the development of the Western Transbaikalia rift structure and the Late Riphean-Vendian epoch, with the breakup of Laurasia in the Late Riphean.

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