
) weresampled from the catches off West Greenland during the months of July, August andSeptember. The samples were taken between 62 Nand69 30 N in Maniitsoq and threemore northerly locations (134), Paamiut (23), and Nuuk (30). Comparison of age andlength distributions between years and areas, indicated that there were no significantdifferences between years. However, the Maniitsoq and northerly samples had a modalage in both sexes of about 2 yr and a maximum age of 17 yr, while the more southerlyNuuk and Paamiut samples were biased to younger age classes, with the modal age inboth sexes being the first year of life (age class 0 yr) and a maximum age of 12 yr.Females ovulated from age 3.6 yr at a length of about 142 cm; combined testesweights >200 g indicated maturation in males from age 2.5 yr upwards at a length>125 cm. Several small embryos were found, consistent with a mating season in latesummer. Testis hypertrophy in August was also consistent with a late summerbreeding. Application of growth models indicated an average asymptotic length of154 cm in females and 143 cm in males.Comparisons of the West Greenland data with similar data for porpoises from theCanadian Atlantic, eastern North Atlantic and the North Sea, where genetic studieshave shown population differences, indicated differences in biological parameters.Key words: harbour porpoise, age, growth, reproduction, west Greenland.Received 11 May 1999; accepted 17 August 2000.

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