
The blackspot snapper Lutjanus fulviflammus is one of the most common Lutjanus species landed and consumed on Okinawa Island, Japan. Using 901 fish (29.9–304.2 mm in standard length; SL) obtained from fish markets or caught by angling, the age, growth, maturation size and maturation age were estimated. Each opaque zone formed on the otolith every year correlated with their spawning and was thought to be an annual ring. The main spawning season was estimated to be from April to July, which peaked in May and June, with a few mature fish collected in August and September. Maximum ages were observed as 24 years for both sexes and L∞ (mm SL), K and t0 (years) of the von Bertalanffy growth formula were estimated to be 276, 0.144 and −5.22 for females and 247, 0.227 and −3.18 for males, respectively. First maturation size and age were estimated to be 175 mm SL and 2 years for both sexes. A faster growth rate up to 2 years will allow reproduction at a young age and provide many chances for spawning throughout their long life. Furthermore, the possibility exists that populations would easily recover if regulations were established.

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