
The Reba carp Cirrhinus reba (Hamilton) has a best food category fish in India and its adjacent countries. The natural resources of this species are on the way out due to over exploitation and habitat changes. Here, is an important consideration that should be taken into account to the develop conservation strategies of the species. Besides, the present investigation was designed the health condition, age and growth and assessment of feeding behaviour. Following this, the species health status was assessed by Fulton’s condition factor and reported their irrelevant growth related to the size. C. reba attained the highest growth rate in females than males were strongminded by von Bertallanffy Growth Factor parameters and Electronic Length Frequency Analysis. However, analysis of stomach contents was revealed that this species were observed an omnivore, particularly plankton feeder. So far, the objective of this study was to provide necessary inputs on the biological parameters of this species for artificial propagation programs and conserved natural populations in our riverine ecosystem.

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