
Age estimation criteria for the southern White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) are presented both for free‐ranging live animals and for cranial material. These are based on: (i) size appearance and horn development of live animals; (ii) stages of tooth eruption; (iii) tooth wear classes; (iv) attrition in height of the first molar tooth; (v) counts of cementum lines visible in tooth sections. Selected measurements are presented for live animals, skulls and horns.For live animals, eight size classes are distinguished, seven of these covering immature animals up to ten years of age. Sixteen tooth wear classes are established, based on eruption and surface wear of maxillary dentition. Chronological ages were assigned from individually known animals followed in the field, and from skulls from animals for which exact records of age were available, or which could be assigned to an age category from appearance at death. Cementum line counts corresponded approximately with age in years, despite difficulties in interpreting lines. Some variability was observed, possibly related to nutritional conditions.The maximum cementum line count obtained indicates a longevity of at least 40 years. Full body weight and socio‐sexual maturity are attained by males between 10 and 15 years of age, while females first give birth between six and eight years of age. Sequences and times of tooth eruption are similar to those reported for the Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis).Comparative cranial and body measurements are presented for the northern subspecies (Ceratotherium simum cottoni).

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