
Medial clavicular epiphysis is the long bone epiphysis to fuse last and therefore, is useful for estimating age in the post-pubertal period. Age estimation was done from clavicles obtained from 343 cadavers (252 males and 91 females) of known age. The data was subjected to statistical analysis to see whether the difference obtained in the various ages was significant or not. Commencement of fusion was seen as early as 18 years of age in both male and female clavicles. No clavicle showed complete fusion until the age of 22 years. Complete fusion of the medial end of the clavicle was seen latest at 32 years in the male clavicles while the same was observed at 31 years in the female bones, i.e., the medial epiphysis of female clavicles fused one year earlier than their male counterparts. Advanced stages of clavicular epiphyseal union were seen in most of the clavicles after 24 years of age in females and 23 years of age in males. No significant difference was noticed in both sexes for the right and left clavicles as regards to the occurrence of various stages of epiphyseal union.

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