
Scales and whole otoliths were used for age estimation of juvenile Notothenia rossii specimens collected at Potter Cove, King George Island, South Shetland Islands, between 1983 and 1988. Results from the analysis of both types of material showed 96.7% agreement. Likewise, the examination of otolith cross sections of chosen specimens confirmed in all the cases the age readings obtained from the second whole sagittal otolith. Although the commonly accepted 1 July was used as the birth date of the fish for age calculations, data indicate that 1 October is closer to the biological birth date, since this species hatches in Spring. The length-age range of the fish was 18–44 cm and 3–7 years respectively, which fits well with the known length-age distribution of juvenile specimens of the species in the fjord. A comparison between observed and back-calculated mean length of age group 3 (24.6 and 25 cm respectively) indicated that not only the larger fish but the full size range of this age group was represented in our samples. Mean length data at age presented here are similar to the ones reported for fish from Admiralty Bay, King George Island, but differ from those of fish caught off Elephant Island. The use of whole otoliths for age estimation of juvenile N. rossii proved to be a reliable method with a precision of one year but, this might not be an appropriate technique for adult specimens.

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