
Older and younger adults searched arrays of 12 unique real-world photographs for a specified object (e.g., a yellow drill) among distractors (e.g., yellow telephone, red drill, and green door). Eye-tracking data from 24 of 48 participants in each age group showed generally similar search patterns for the younger and older adults but there were some interesting differences. Older adults processed all the items in the arrays more slowly than the younger adults (e.g., they had longer fixation durations, gaze durations, and total times), but this difference was exaggerated for target items. We also found that older and younger adults differed in the sequence in which objects were searched, with younger adults fixating the target objects earlier in the trial than older adults. Despite the relatively longer fixation times on the targets (in comparison to the distractors) for older adults, a surprise visual recognition test revealed a sizeable age deficit for target memory but, importantly, no age differences for distractor memory.

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