
Average beat interval (BI) and beat interval variability (BIV) are primarily determined by mutual entrainment between the autonomic-nervous system (ANS) and intrinsic mechanisms that govern sinoatrial node (SAN) cell function. While basal heart rate is not affected by age in humans, age-dependent reductions in intrinsic heart rate have been documented even in so-called healthy individuals. The relative contributions of the ANS and intrinsic mechanisms to age-dependent deterioration of SAN function in humans are not clear. We recorded ECG on patients (n = 16 < 21 years and n = 23 41–78 years) in the basal state and after ANS blockade (propranolol and atropine) in the presence of propofol and dexmedetomidine anesthesia. Average BI and BIV were analyzed. A set of BIV features were tested to designated the “signatures” of the ANS and intrinsic mechanisms and also the anesthesia “signature”. In young patients, the intrinsic mechanisms and ANS mainly contributed to long- and short-term BIV, respectively. In adults, both ANS and intrinsic mechanisms contributed to short-term BIV, while the latter also contributed to long-term BIV. Furthermore, anesthesia affected ANS function in young patients and both mechanisms in adult. The work also showed that intrinsic mechanism features can be calculated from BIs, without intervention.

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