
Introduction: Nowadays, the use of a system of exposure and effect biomarkers is highly relevant in assessing public health disorders associated with chemical exposure. The study of age and sex-specific biomarkers in risk-sensitive populations with certain types of functional disorders and diseases related to airborne chemical exposures helps improve the effectiveness of scientific and methodological support for activities of the bodies and organizations of the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor) in establishing causes and identifying circumstances for the occurrence and spread of non-communicable diseases related to chemical pollution of the environment. Objective: To establish and age- and sex-specific biomarkers of exposure and its adverse health effects in children with respiratory diseases and comorbid conditions exposed to a combination of airborne chemicals. Materials and methods: The object of the research was the system of biomarkers of exposure to six substances and negative effects (eight indicators), substantiated in biomedical studies conducted by the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies in 2021–2022 to establish adverse health effects of a combined exposure to multiple airborne chemicals emitted by metallurgical plants in children aged 4–7 years; the classifying criteria included sex, age, target organs and systems, and adverse effects. Results: The article gives a detailed description of age- and sex-dependent changes in biomarkers of exposure and adverse health effects in children. It also provides substantiation that the best (most informative) age for studying the levels of markers of exposure and effect in children with respiratory diseases and associated comorbidities is 4–5 years for boys and 6–7 years for girls. General patterns of changes in the levels of biomarkers in response to chronic exposure to airborne chemicals include an increase in the level of chemicals in biological fluids above the reference values, a growth of the spectrum, severity, and prevalence of changes relative to the physiological norm of biochemical parameters, and expansion of the spectrum of adverse health effects. Conclusions: Our findings can serve as a criteria basis for priority setting in order to objectify and improve the accuracy of hygienic assessments, increase the efficiency of predictive techniques of diagnosis, predict and prevent health risks in the populations sensitive to airborne industrial chemicals.

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