
Dating of a hornblende concentrate by the ^Ar/^Ar method gives an age of 23.4 ±5.5 m.y. for a dacite boulder from conglomerate in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 439. The conglomerate clasts range up to 1 meter in diameter and are nearly monolithologic, suggesting that a nearby former volcano erupted the dacite. The dacite is only 90 km landward from the Japan Trench, whereas modern trench-related volcanoes lie at least 120 km from their trenches. The dacite locality is on strike with and is probably an extension of a magmatic arc on the island of Hokkaido that crosses the Kuril arc at an angle of 65° and which was active 16 to 36 m.y. ago. The part of the former arc landward from the Kuril arc argues against an origin from a leaking subduction zone or from subduction of an active spreading ridge. The part seaward both from the Kuril and Japan arcs weakens an explanation based on migration of a trench-trenchtrench triple junction. The magmatic rocks probably formed along a middle-Tertiary plate boundary that had stepped seaward from a more-landward Cretaceous position. Later, the boundary stepped farther seaward at the Kuril arc and landward again at the Japan arc. If so, the present Japan subduction zone must have consumed most of the strata that had accumulated between it and the earlier trench.

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