
Age composition and growth rates of the bastard sole, Microchirus azevia (Capello, 1868) were studied by examination of growth increments within otoliths of 1493 specimens caught between January 1986 and May 1992 on the south coast of Portugal. The results revealed that (1) a single annulus formed between May and September, (2) the bastard sole is a moderately long-lived species, females grow up to 8 years (32.7 cm) and males to 7 years (31.9 cm), (3) the greatest growth in length occurred from ages 0 to 2 and declined steadily after age 3, for both sexes, (4) higher asymptotic length for the females and (5) 50% of the females are sexually mature at total length of 23.0 cm, when they are 3 years old.

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