
TABLE S1 Summary of total length (TL) and predicted lengths-at-age (L[t]) derived from the Gompertz growth model fitted to the data of male and female franciscanas dolphins (Pontoporia blainvillei), from southeastern Brazil. The ages at attainment of the asymptotic length estimated from the model are highlighted in bold. TABLE S2 Summary of total length (TL) and predicted lengths-at-age (L[t]) derived from the original form of von Bertalanffy growth model fitted to the pooled data of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis), from southeastern Brazil. The age at attainment of the asymptotic length estimated from the model is highlighted in bold. Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.

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