
Lifespan developmental psychology is based primarily on heterosexual samples. In this chapter we consider the issues faced by lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people during different stages of life. We consider the role of generational effects in determining the life experiences, survival strategies and challenges faced by young, middle aged and older LGB people. Today’s older LGB people grew up in a blatantly intolerant social and legislative environment. This is very different from the apparently more liberal and ‘tolerant’ socio-political environment in which LGB adolescents are coming to terms with their sexuality today. Indeed, the age at which young LGB people report their first same-sex experience is dropping in inverse proportion to the increase in rights, recognition and media visibility of LGB people. Although we discuss some key aspects of life experience for LGB people in youth and early adulthood, a good deal of this chapter is devoted to the experience of ‘getting older’. This is because much of the literature on LGB people is ‘youth oriented’ and tends to neglect the experiences of older LGB people.

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