
The philosophical canon has long been criticized for its lack of diversity, particularly in terms of gender. Feminist thinkers have challenged this tradition, arguing that it reflects a narrow and exclusionary view of the world. The present article examines the ways in which feminist philosophers have contributed to expanding the philosophical canon through their critiques of traditional philosophy and the inclusion of previously marginalized perspectives. Drawing on the principles of intersectionality, feminist thinkers have highlighted the ways in which various forms of oppression intersect and reinforce one another. By doing so, they have exposed the limitations of traditional philosophical approaches and expanded the scope of philosophical inquiry. This article argues that the work of feminist philosophers has not only enriched the philosophical canon, but also helped to challenge and transform the dominant cultural narratives that have historically excluded marginalized voices. Ultimately, this article advocates for greater recognition and inclusion of feminist perspectives in the philosophical canon, as a means of promoting a more diverse and inclusive understanding of the world.

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