
Competing with David Mamet’s work since the appearance of this biography in 2008 has been his politics. Although he premiered a new play—Race1—and published a new collection of essays on the theatre, attention has focused on Mamet’s newly announced conservatism expressed with characteristic fervor, if not stridency, in The Secret Knowledge, On the Dismantling of American Culture (2011).2 Despite his continued output of plays, essays, and films that repeatedly assault political bias, racial prejudice, and theatrical boundaries, Mamet has introduced a more pronounced and vocal political agenda. While alienating him from his liberal admirers, it has created a puzzle, if not a paradox, for his fans.KeywordsBlack WomanEqual Employment Opportunity CommissionDistrict AttorneyIdealistic VisionLiberal ImaginationThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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