There is no doubt that measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD) is a crucial protocol that is immune to all possible detector side channel attacks. In the preparation phase, a simulation model is usually employed to get a set of optimized parameters, which is utilized for getting a higher secure key rate in reality. With the implementation of high-speed QKD, the afterpulse effect which is an intrinsic characteristic of the single-photon avalanche photodiode is no longer ignorable, this will lead to a great deviation compared with the existing analytical model. Here we develop an afterpulse-compatible MDI-QKD model to get the optimized parameters. Our results indicate that by using our afterpulse-compatible model, we can get a much higher key rate than the prior afterpulse-omitted model. It is significant to take the afterpulse effect into consideration because of the improvement of the system working frequency.
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