
Global Fund supported HIV/AIDS program in Thailand since 2002, largely for prevention and treatment of key populations, such as men having sex with men, sex workers, injecting drug users and undocumented migrants who cannot easily access to government health services. Global Fund resources facilitate civil society organizations deliver service to these key populations. To sustain AIDS program after weaning-off from Global Fund support, analysis found that the government is able to mobilize adequate domestic resources and sustain it, as the magnitude of funding from the Global Fund supporting Thailand was relatively small, 7-15% of total AIDS expenditure during 2008-2013. Consensus among key actors was reached to maintain the principle of participatory governance where civil society organizations involved in the whole process of resource mobilization, resource allocation and program implementation. The challenges on the bureaucratic rigidity of not able to use government budget to contract civil society organizations can be overcome by amendment of public financial management rules. Given the strong intersectoral actions and non-state actor roles, there are more enabling factors than barriers, supporting smooth transition and sustaining AIDS program and ending the diseases after weaning off from Global Fund.

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