
After the Peace Agreement between Britain and the Boer Republics was signed in Pretoria on 31 May 1902, the second Anglo-Boer war was something of the past. Hostilities had ceased, but Afrikaner resentment of British rule remained. The main aim of Afrikaner politicians in the ‘Orange River Colony’ and the ‘Transvaal Colony’, was to regain independence. By 1906 the Het Volk Party under the leadership of General Louis Botha in Transvaal and the Orangia Unie under the leadership of General J.B.M. Hertzog in the Orange River Colony, effectively mobilised Afrikaners as a political force. In January 1906 Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman’s Liberal Party took office in Britain and soon afterwards decided to grant responsible government to both colonies. In February 1907 General Botha’s Het Volk Party won the election in Transvaal and he became Prime Minister, and the Orangia Unie won the Orange River Colony’s election in November 1907. From then on Afrikaners would again dominate South African politics.KeywordsTotal AssetCommercial BankAnnual Growth RateTotal DepositBuilding SocietyThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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