
The characteristics of the defective thyroglobulin biosynthesis in genetically determined Afrikander cattle goiter were compared with normal thyroglobulin biosynthesis. In vivo biosynthesis was investigated by incubating goiter and normal thyroid slices with radioactive amino acids. The proteins in the incubation medium and in the soluble (100,000 × g supernatant) and solubilized (digitonin extract of the 100,000 × g precipitate) fractions were analyzed by sucrose gradient centrifugation and immunoprecipitation. While 19S thyroglobulin was clearly present and labeled in the fractions from normal thyroid slices, none of the goiter fractions contained a 280 nm-absorbing 19S peak. The radioactivity of all of the goiter fractions, however, overlapped the 19S zone and 20–40% of the counts in the 12 to 19Ssedimenting regions were precipitable by an antithyroglobulin double antibody system. By employing standardized methodology (Biochem Biophys Res Commun 78: 230, 1977), 33S mRNA was isolated from normal thyroid...

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