
Two major challenges facing African neurosurgery include quality and quantity, in both recourses and personnel. Discrepancy is noted between the two poles, namely, the north and south of the continent and the sub-Saharan area. Although reasonably advanced in the north and south, neurosurgery remains poorly distributed and has multiple deficiencies. The sub-Saharan region, where the demand is high and services are scarce, suffers from a similar lack of both qualified personnel and well-equipped neurosurgical facilities. Insufficient state funding and research facilities aggravate the situation and discourage the few well-trained African neurosurgeons to practice in their homeland. For those who do return home, cultural, social, economical, and political issues hinder their performance and hence the quality of neurosurgery delivered in Africa. Strategies for rectification of these handicaps are presented, including the need for high-standard local training and support from international organizations.

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