
African countries that observe democracy and human rights tend to be stable and are recording rapid economic growth. On the other hand, African countries which have reneged on democracy by banning open democratic competitions, changed the constitutional provisions to prolong their leaders’ hold on power and do not observance human rights, are experiencing decline in economic growth. Violence and civil strife also tend to follow where freedom of expression or assembly is curtailed and the provisions of the bill of rights are being violated. Sensible economic policies such as the liberalised market too are contributing to growth compared to countries such as Zimbabwe and Eritrea where the reverse is taking place. Peaceful resolution of conflicts which has since taken a hold in Africa is also promoting economic growth. Focus on the marginalised, women and people with disability are the other factors spurring growth. Devolved units of government such as is being practiced in Nigeria, Kenya, Namibia and many other African countries not only help to distribute wealth evenly among the people but has also served as a means of mobilizing human resources as regards labour and skills.

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