
The article analyses the transfiguration of Africa’s position in the emerging new model of world economic development. The author emphasizes that until recently Africa was assigned the role of an “outsider” of the world economy. The transition of developed countries to a postindustrial and innovative development model has further exacerbated the lagging behind of the countries of the region from the advanced directions of the economy. Other negative factors that affected the development of African economies in the second decade of the 21st century include the high dependence of the African economy on commodity exports, the slowdown in China’s growth, the socio-economic consequences of the so-called “Arab spring”, primarily the destruction of Libya, and the continuation of old and the emergence of new conflicts in a number of African states. Despite numerous and often successful attempts by external forces to keep Africa as an object within the world economy and politics, the continent is increasingly becoming an active “subject” in international relations, and its development in the coming decades may, in our view, change its position in a new model of world development. Beginning in the 2030s, Africa, according to the forecasts, including those made at the Institute of African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, will turn into the most important and almost unique global strategic reserve of sources of raw materials within the framework of the “Coming (New) Production Revolution” – NPR, Next (in other documents New) Production Revolution. The African continent today occupies the leading positions in the world precisely for those commodities that have no analogues and are vital for the development of defense and innovative technologies of the 21st century. Other important factors in the accelerated development of Africa are the quantitative and qualitative growth of the continent’s labor potential, the expansion of consumption in the African domestic markets, the economic diversification in a number countries of the continent by means of increasing the share of services and industry in GDP, and a significant improvement in the business climate as a result of improved investment legislation and the gradual stabilization of domestic political of the situation. Besides the increase in financial revenues in various forms, regional integration, (including a continental free trade zone), will be a key to accelerating economic growth in the African continent, whichwill allow for joint and more effective use of the potentials of individual African states. Modern Africa is a dynamically growing market of labor force, consumer goods, investment, modern technologies, high technology machinery products. The author anticipates in the foreseeable future the realization of a scenario of gradual evolvement of a joined pan-African pole of global significance.


  • The author emphasizes that until recently Africa was assigned the role of an “outsider” of the world economy

  • Other negative factors that affected the development of African economies in the second decade of the 21st century include the high dependence of the African economy on commodity exports, the slowdown in China’s growth, the socio-economic consequences of the so-called “Arab spring”, primarily the destruction of Libya, and the continuation of old and the emergence of new conflicts in a number of African states

  • Beginning in the 2030s, Africa, according to the forecasts, including those made at the Institute of African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, will turn into the most important and almost unique global strategic reserve of sources of raw materials within the framework of the “Coming (New) Production Revolution” – NPR, Production Revolution

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ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ: Абрамова И.О. (2018) Африка в современной модели мироустройства: весомый игрок или аутсайдер? // Контуры глобальных трансформаций: политика, экономика, право. Традиционно ускоренный рост населения развивающихся государств, получивший в научной литературе название «демографический взрыв», рассматривался в качестве угрозы для развития стран Азии, Африки и Латинской Америки, так как связывался с увеличением безработицы, неполной занятости, бедности и голода. Сегодня в условиях глобализации и формирования международного рынка труда, когда перелив рабочей силы из региона в регион значительно облегчен, что обусловлено не только социально-экономическими, технологическими, информационно-коммуникационными, но и политическими факторами, одним из драйверов ускоренного роста развивающихся государств выступает демографический фактор (или, в современной терминологии, демографический дивиденд), а именно – быстрое увеличение населения, в первую очередь трудоспособного, стран Востока и Юга и старение населения Запада. Все эти государства прекрасно понимают: в 2020–2030‐х гг., когда Африканский континент превратится в главный источник мирового прироста трудовых ресурсов, покупательского спроса и природных возможностей для развития мировой цивилизации, только с его помощью они обеспечат себе стабильные позиции и зоны влияния в будущей конкурентной борьбе. Активное российско-африканское сотрудничество позволит обеим сторонам извлечь геополитические и геоэкономические дивиденды, способствуя развитию их экономик и укрепляя позиции РФ и африканских государств на международной арене

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