
The paper discuss that refugees present in host state has potential economic, social, political, security and environmental impacts and create chaos and conflicts in the host state. It examines that Soviet invasion of Afghanistan has resulted massive migration of Afghan refugees, which broke out disastrous economic, social, political and environmental impacts on Pakistan. As a main recipient Pakistan placed more than three million refugees which had painful corollaries and implications on its society. The project analyses, the exodus of Afghan is one of the main causes of terrorism, inflation, child labor, drugs trade and many diseases such as poliomyelitis, Malaria etc. Furthermore, refugee influxes created environmental problems by over exploitation of natural resources, land erosion, deforestation, hunting and foraging. The economic and sociopolitical impacts creating unemployment, anger, prejudices and xenophobia among locals, which is leading society towards conflict. In this detailed analysis some examples of displaced population, its consequences and durable solutions have been identified and correlational study of refugees’ implications in other countries are also analyzed to figure out the relativity. The case of Afghan refugees in Pakistan and their implications in the country has been analyzed and it is found that withdrawal of refugees will help to maintain peace and stability in the host state.

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