
Bankers are underneath an excessive arrangement of stress outstanding to several experiences of stress such as Working Stress, Role indistinctness, Role Skirmish on work, under_ involvement stressors, Role Overload, Intrinsic Impoverishment, Recent periodic events, Poor peer relations among the employees, Group and Political Pressure in work environment. This study explores the effects of stress and the way to cope up stress which would enhance job satisfaction and performance. The study analyzes the correlation among the relations of occupational stress its impact and coping strategies and enhanced job satisfaction and employee-performance by using 460, 435 and 420 responses received from three banks after deletion of biased and non-responsive questionnaires. The data was analyzed by statistical tests like Multiple Regression and Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS and Smart PLS package. The results are significant with negative correlation among occupational stress and coping strategies and enhancing job satisfaction and employee performance displays that occupational stress meaningfully diminishes employee performance. This study also investigated the rapport among superficial job-related stress of employees in the Nationalized Banking Sector., and levels of job gratification, job apprehension and job engrossment with personality appearances theorized as superseding variables. The results of the study point out that workforces show reasonable levels of job-related stress. Based on the test results some findings are derived that will be significant the present banking scenario.

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