
It was shown using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that titers of antibodies against human myelin basic protein (hMBP) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients 4.2-fold higher than in healthy individuals, but 2.1-fold lower than in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Approximately 86% electrophoretically and immunologically homogeneous SLE immunoglobulin Gs (IgGs) purified using several affinity resins including Sepharose with immobilized hMBP specifically hydrolyze only hMBP but not many other tested proteins. Several rigid criteria were applied to show that the hMBP-hydrolyzing activity is an intrinsic property of SLE IgGs but not from healthy donors. In contrast to MS IgGs, abzymes from SLE patients are more sensitive to ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and less sensitive to specific inhibitors of serine-like proteases. We present the first evidence demonstrating a significant diversity of different fractions of SLE IgGs in their affinity for hMBP-Sepharose, the ability of IgGs to hydrolyze hMBP at different optimal pHs (5-10) and be activated by different metal ions: Ca(2+) > Mg(2+) ≥ Co(2+) ≥ Fe(2+) ≥ Ni(2+) ≥ Zn(2+) ≥ Cu(2+) ≥ Mn(2+) . Combinations of Ca(2+) + Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) + Co(2) lead to a significant increase in the antibody proteolytic activity as compared with Ca(2+) , Co(2+) , or Mg(2+) ions taken separately. Our findings suggest that the immune systems of individual SLE similar to MS patients can generate a variety of anti-hMBP abzymes with different catalytic properties, which can attack hMBP of myelin-proteolipid shell of axons and play an important role in pathogenesis not only MS but also SLE patients.

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