
Using a retrograde tracer technique with microiontophoretically applied horseradish peroxidase (HRP), afferent projections to the brain stem raphe nuclei (BR, raphe magnus, pallidus and obscurus) and to two adjacent reticular nuclei, nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis (nRPC) and nucleus gigantocellularis (nGC) were identified. The most striking difference between the afferent projections to the BR and the adjacent nuclei as determined by this method is that afferents to the BR originate primarily from structures rostral to the pons, especially the mesencephalic central gray and the dorsal and ventral tegmentum. In contrast, the two reticular nuclei studied (nGC and nRPC) received afferent projections within or caudal to the pons-medulla. For example, the nGC receives prominent afferent projections from the gray matter of the spinal cord. In addition, evidence for interconnections between all of the adjacent nuclei (BR, nGC and nRPC) was found. Such afferent projections are compatible with the notion that the brain stem raphe nuclei may serve as connections within the brain stem for a descending system, while the nGC may be a relay in a feedback loop between the spinal cord and the reticular formation.

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