
The existence of afferent fibers in the cat hypoglossal nerve was studied by transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Injections of wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated HRP (WGA-HRP) into the hypoglossal nerve resulted in some retrograde labeling of cell bodies within the superior ganglia of the ipsilateral glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves. A few labeled cell bodies were also present ipsilaterally within the inferior ganglion of the vagal nerve and the spinal ganglion of the C1 segment. Some of the labeled glossopharyngeal and vagal fibers reached the nucleus of the solitary tract by crossing the dorsal portion of the spinal trigeminal tract. Others distributed to the spinal trigeminal nucleus pars interpolaris and to the ventrolateral part of the medial cuneate nucleaus by descending through the dorsal portion of the spinal trigeminal tract. In the spinal cord these descending fibers, intermingling with labeled dorsal root fibers, distributed to laminae, I, IV–V and VII–VIII of the C1 and C2 segments. Additional HRP experiments revealed that the fibers in laminae VII–VIII originate mainly from dorsal root of the C1 segment.

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