
Biotinylated dextran amine was injected unilaterally into dorsal regions of the telencephalon of the weakly electric fish Gymnotus carapo in order to study the afferent and efferent connections of specific dorsal regions with ventral regions of the telencephalon and with other regions of the central nervous system. Efferent pathways from the dorsolateral area of the telencephalon project ipsilaterally to the anterior hypothalamic nucleus, the ventral thalamus and magnocellular tegmental nucleus, whose axons reach the spinal cord. Anterograde labeling showed that the central division of the dorsal telencephalon sends efferent projections through the lateral forebrain bundle towards the ipsilateral lateral and medial preglomerular nucleus, the pretectal nucleus, the optic tectum and the dorsal torus semicircularis, regions that are all involved in the processing of electrosensory and/or multisensory information. In addition, when biotinylated dextran amine was injected into the dorsal torus semicircularis, retrogradely labeled neurons were observed in the dorsocentral area of the telencephalon. The dorsocentral area is also a target of the extra-telencephalic afferents originating from rostral, lateral and medial regions of preglomerular complex. Within the telencephalon, neurons of many ventral subdivisions project ipsilaterally to the dorsocentral area. The dorsocentral, dorsolateral and dorsomedial areas are connected ipsilaterally and reciprocally. The dorsocentral area is reciprocally connected with its contralateral homologue through the anterior commissure.

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