
Based on the seminal publications of Paul Broca and Carl Wernicke who established that aphasic syndromes (disorders of the verbal-linguistic aspects of communication) were predominantly the result of focal left-hemisphere lesions, "language" is traditionally viewed as a lateralized function of the left hemisphere. This, in turn, has diminished and delayed the acceptance that the right hemisphere also has a vital role in language, specifically in modulating affective prosody, which is essential for communication competency and psychosocial well-being. Focal lesions of the right hemisphere may result in disorders of affective prosody (aprosodic syndromes) that are functionally and anatomically analogous to the aphasic syndromes that occur following focal left-hemisphere lesions. This paper will review the deductive research published over the last four decades that has elucidated the neurology of affective prosody which, in turn, has led to a more complete and nuanced understanding of the neurology of language, depression, emotions and memory. In addition, the paper will also present the serendipitous clinical observations (inductive research) and fortuitous inter-disciplinary collaborations that were crucial in guiding and developing the deductive research processes that culminated in the concept that primary emotions and related display behaviors are a lateralized function of the right hemisphere and social emotions, and related display behaviors are a lateralized function of the left hemisphere.

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