
In this paper, we propose a novel emotion recognition method based on the underlying emotional characteristics extracted from a conditional adversarial auto-encoder (CAAE), in which both acoustic and lexical features are used as inputs. The acoustic features are generated by calculating statistical functionals of low-level descriptors and by a deep neural network (DNN). These acoustic features are concatenated with three types of lexical features extracted from the text, which are a sparse representation, a distributed representation, and an affective lexicon-based dimensions. Two-dimensional latent representations similar to vectors in the valence-arousal space are obtained by a CAAE, which can be directly mapped into the emotional classes without the need for a sophisticated classifier. In contrast to the previous attempt to a CAAE using only acoustic features, the proposed approach could enhance the performance of the emotion recognition because combined acoustic and lexical features provide enough discriminant power. Experimental results on the Interactive Emotional Dyadic Motion Capture (IEMOCAP) corpus showed that our method outperformed the previously reported best results on the same corpus, achieving 76.72% in the unweighted average recall.


  • Emotions play an important role in successful communication among humans [1], and more attention is given to recognize, interpret, and process emotional information effectively [2,3,4]

  • The distribution of the learned latent vectors extracted by a conditional adversarial auto-encoder (CAAE) for the training and test sets with acoustic features are shown in Figure 4a,b, respectively

  • We can see that the discriminant power of the two-dimensional latent vectors extracted from only the acoustic features may not be strong enough to determine the emotional class of the given utterance

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Emotions play an important role in successful communication among humans [1], and more attention is given to recognize, interpret, and process emotional information effectively [2,3,4]. There have been many research works to recognize human emotion from the speech signal based on acoustic features [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18], lexical features [19,20], or both of them [21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32]. Jin et al [22] used three types of acoustic features including LLD, Gaussian supervectors, and bag-of-audio-words. These acoustic features are combined with an e-vector, which adopts a salience information weighting scheme and BOW. Gamage et al [23] suggested another weighting

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