
AbstractThis study aims to determine similarities and differences in affective experience when manipulating 3 physical user interfaces (PUIs): button, touch screen, and jog dial inputs. First, we conducted literature and expert reviews to identify key affective experiences of PUI manipulation. As a result, seven affective experiences (Softness, Elasticity, Heaviness, Smoothness, Sharpness, Clarity of Feedback, and Rattle) were identified, and they were categorized into two dimensions (Force and Feedback Vibration). Three experiments, including 51 types of buttons, 25 synthesized stimuli for touch screen, and 51 types of jog dials, were then conducted to determine the relationship between affective experiences, satisfaction, and physical parameters of each PUI. According to the results, it was common for all three PUIs that Clarity of Feedback was the most important factor for satisfaction. However, there were also differences between the effects of affective experiences and physical parameters. User satisfaction on manipulating jog dials was found to be less affected by affective experiences than buttons and touch screens. Among physical parameters, the strength of feedback was the most important factor for the affective experience of buttons and touch screens, whereas the period of feedback was the most important factor for jog dials. These similarities and differences could be explained by cognitive and manipulative factors (e.g., attention level, types of feedback, and hand posture of manipulation). The results of this study can help researchers and practitioners better understand and enhance the affective aspects of PUI manipulations.

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