
Introduction. SARS-CoV-2 associated multi-systemic in­flam­mation syndrome represents a pathology with diverse symp­to­ma­to­logy, the pediatric population in question de­ve­­lo­ping fever for longer than three days, with high in­­flam­­ma­­tory markers values, and being susceptible to gas­­tro­­in­tes­ti­nal, cutaneous and mucosal tissue, cardiac or res­­pi­­ra­tory manifestations. The objective of this paper is to high­light the importance of dosing inflammatory car­diac mar­kers (NT-proBNP, CK-MB) and of performing an echo­car­dio­gra­phic examination when evaluating a patient with post-COVID-19 inflammatory status, and to point out the main treatment recommendations in Eu­ro­pean or American guides. Discussion. The medical li­tera­ture de­scribes cases of coronary artery dilation in teen­agers, but it is more often seen in school-age children. The treatment in the men­tioned stu­dies consists primarily of aspirin, cor­ti­sone and intra­venous immunoglobulin, and in some cases, anti­bio­tics were of­fered. Conclusions. When con­fronted with a patient who is at a high risk of deve­lo­ping or ex­pe­rien­cing multisystem in­flam­ma­tory syndrome as­so­cia­ted with SARS-CoV-2, it is im­pe­ra­tive to evaluate the car­diac func­tion, with laboratory and imaging tests.

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