
Serverless workflow applications or function choreographies (FCs), which connect serverless functions by data- and control-flow, have gained considerable momentum recently to create more sophisticated applications as part of Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platforms. Initial experimental analysis of the current support for FCs uncovered important weaknesses, including provider lock-in, and limited support for important data-flow and control-flow constructs. To overcome some of these weaknesses, we introduce the Abstract Function Choreography Language (AFCL) for describing FCs at a high-level of abstraction, which abstracts the function implementations from the developer. AFCL is a YAML-based language that supports a rich set of constructs to express advanced control-flow (e.g. parallelFor loops, parallel sections, dynamic loop iterations counts) and data-flow (e.g multiple input and output parameters of functions, DAG-based data-flow). We introduce data collections which can be distributed to loop iterations and parallel sections that may substantially reduce the delays for function invocations due to reduced data transfers between functions. We also support asynchronous functions to avoid delays due to blocking functions. AFCL supports properties (e.g. expected size of function input data) and constraints (e.g. minimize execution time) for the user to optionally provide hints about the behavior of functions and FCs and to control the optimization by the underlying execution environment. We implemented a prototype AFCL environment that supports AFCL as input language with multiple backends (AWS Lambda and IBM Cloud Functions) thus avoiding provider lock-in which is a common problem in serverless computing. We created two realistic FCs from two different domains and encoded them with AWS Step Functions, IBM Composer and AFCL. Experimental results demonstrate that our current implementation of the AFCL environment substantially outperforms AWS Step Functions and IBM Composer in terms of development effort, economic costs, and makespan.

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