
Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a multi-causal disease with a high rate of hospita lisation. Only a few cl inical stud ies have i nvestig ated the aetiologic al backgroun d, sever it y, and outcome of AP in Pakistan. Hence, this study was carried out to determine the aforementioned factors and correlate them w ith outcomes in a tert iary care set ting. This was a cros s -sec tional, retrospective study conducted at the Department of Gast roe nterolo gy, Aga Khan University Hospita l, Karachi, from Januar y 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. Data was analysed using statis tical s oftware SPSS version 25. Vomiting was th e predominant presenting complaint and was seen in 139 (78.5%) patients. Gallstones were the predominant cause in 68 (37%) patients, followed by idiop athic panc reatitis in 22 (12%) p atients. Thirteen (7.1 % ) pat ients expire d. Patients with syst emi c complications were lik ely to suffer fro m severe disease (p=0.0 2), whereas those with lo cal complications were at an increa sed ris k of mor tal it y (p=0.04). Due to lac k of diagnostic facilities, the aetiology of a large number of AP cases remains unknown.

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