
Aethionema gypsicola D. Öztürk was defined as a new taxon in the central Anatolia (Eskişehir) region of Turkey. It grows at an elevation of about 840–1100 m in marly areas and on gypsiferous rocks. The new species is morphologically closely related to A. dumanii Vural & Adigüzel, but differs by its height, stem conditions, leaf shape and size, flower parts, fruit stem length, fruit size and wings, silicula shape and size, sinus length, and seed structure. Thus, it can be easily distinguished by the many differences in it morphological characters. Diagnostic characters, a detailed description, and photographs of the new taxon are provided herein. The morphology of the new species and its phylogenetic relationships, based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, were discussed. In this study, a detailed description of the new species, its habitat and plant parts, a distribution map, and conservation status were given. Additionally, the pollen ornamentation and seed coat appearance of A. gypsicola were examined in detail and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs were taken. In addition, it was recommended that this species be listed as critically endangered (CR) on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List category (IUCN) due to its limited distribution.

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