
Bauhaus is different from other schools, that it has modern visual image especially theatrical image. The search categorizes theatrical image to three elements: space, body, and background. Bauhaus searched for non-traditional aesthetic criteria, as it based on basic of cooperation and the unity of different arts with each other. The aim of the Bauhaus was searching for common mathematical rules of visual image like line, color and form, as did the classical school in the study of perspective, shading and design. Bauhaus school is featured with its theatrical performance shows, which its scenes been designed by German designer Oscar Schlemmer. He analyzed the form of the human body and searched for the essence of the concept behind the form. Bauhaus was influenced by architecture and understanding relationship between body and space. According to Schlemmer's theory in designing the theatrical image, the researcher applies contemporary designs to a plastic background for one of the performances in Egypt.Search problem: Lack knowledge of the tools and aesthetic criteria that Bauhaus used to make theatrical image far from traditional style. Search importance: Finding a new visual image of plastic background that it has movement style and knowing about the relationship between body and space according to Bauhaus school. Search objectives: Analysis of human body according to Bauhaus school, in addition to focus on theatrical image specially the relationship between the performer body, theatrical space and background. Search methodology: Analytical approach. Results: Abstraction is the way of how Schlemmer think in theatrical space. The form and its relation to space is the most important features of the theatrical image at the Bauhaus school. Theatrical space and form of the body have the same characteristics in the Bauhaus school, Studying the kinetic paths of the show performer led to theatrical image that have geometric structure far from streamlined./

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