
Aesthetascs are the olfactory receptor organs responsible for mate recognition in many decapod crustacean species. The number of aesthetascs varies greatly among species in different environments, but the functional significance of this variation is poorly understood. This study examined the relationship between social environment and the number of aesthetascs in six species of caridean shrimp in the genus Lysmata. Generally, the number of aesthetascs was greater in group-living species (L. boggessi and L. wurdemanni) than in low-density (L. ankeri and L. pederseni) and pair-living species (L. amboinensis and L. debelius). Aesthetascs are innervated by olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). The total number of ORNs is related to the sensitivity of olfactory odor detection, and it was higher in group-living species than in pair-living species. Sexual dimorphism in the number of aesthetascs was present in L. boggessi, L. wurdemanni, and L. ankeri but not in L. pederseni and L. amboinensis.

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