
A large numerical taxonomy study conducted in 1988 of 165 mostly clinical Aeromonas strains from diverse geographic sources produced a cluster (S = 84%, SSM) of four sucrose-negative strains that included the DNA definition strain for DNA group 9 A. sobria (CDC 0787-80). These four strains, together with five additional strains received in 1989, were subjected to DNA-DNA hybridization (hydroxyapatite, 32P, 60 and 75 degrees C), and all eight strains were closely related to the ninth labeled DNA group 9 definition strain CDC 0787-80 (73 to 86% relatedness at 60 degrees C and 68 to 80% relatedness at 75 degrees C; percent divergence, 2.0 to 3.5). Type strains and DNA definition strains for all other established Aeromonas species were only 35 to 72% related (60 degrees C) to CDC 0787-80. We propose the name Aeromonas jandaei for this highly related group of nine strains, formerly known as DNA group 9 A. sobria. The type strain was designated ATCC 49568 (CDC 0787-80). The nine strains were examined at 36 degrees C and were found to be resistant to 0/129 (vibriostatic agent) and uniformly positive for oxidase, gas production from glucose, indole, lysine decarboxylase, arginine dihydrolase, o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside, motility (25 degrees C), nitrate reduction, citrate utilization, hemolysis on sheep blood agar, and growth in Trypticase soy broth with no added NaCl. They all fermented D-glucose, D-mannitol, and mannose but did not ferment sucrose, cellobiose, L-arabinose, inositol, salicin, or D-sorbitol. They were uniformly negative for esculin and urea hydrolysis, elastase production, ornithine decarboxylation, and the string test. The antibiogram of A. jandaei resembled that of other aeromonads (resistance to ampicillin and cephalothin), but it differed from most other aeromonads because of resistance to single dilution of colistin and differed from clinical A. veronii biogroup sorbria (formerly A. sobria) by its nearly uniform resistance to cephalothin. The esculin-, sucrose-, and cellobiose-negative and colistin-resistant profile distinguished A. jandaei from other Aeromonas species. These A. jandaei strains were isolated from blood (two strains), wounds (two strains), diarrheal stools (four strains), and a prawn (one strain). The blood and wound isolates, in particular, suggest that there is a possible clinical significance for this species and justify identification of and further research on this group of motile aeromonads.

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