
Modern structural optimization techniques are applied to vibration reduction of helicopter rotor blades in forward flight. The objective function minimized consists of the oscillatory vertical hub shears or the hub rolling moments at one particular advance ratio. The behavior constraints are the frequency placements of the blade and the requirement that aeroelastic stability margins, in hover, remain unaffected by the optimization process. The aeroelastic stability and response analysis is based on a fully coupled flap-lag-torsional analysis of the blade. The vertical hub shears and rolling moments used as the objective function are obtained by appropriate integration of the loads acting along the span of the blade combined with a transformation to a hub fixed coordinate system, and a summation over the total number of blades. Numerical results for both a stiff-in-plane and a soft-in-plane configuration are presented, indicating that structural optimization yields the highest benefits when applied to soft-in-plane blade configuration. The results indicate substantial (15-40 percent) reduction in vibration levels, as well as a blade which is 20 percent lighter than the initial design.

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