
A multi-objective, aerodynamic optimization of the last stage turbine blade of an 100Hz industrial gas turbine is presented. We aim at maximizing the stage’s efficiency, while at the same time meeting mechanical integrity. The optimization procedure was build, during the optimization process the mass flow rate and stage meridian were kept constant to obtain the required stage loading without changing the operating point. The optimized geometry are chosen taking into account aerodynamic constraints as well as mechanical constrains, such as centrifugal stress and bending stress. The SST turbulence model was used to calculate the flow field of the original and optimized stage, respectively. The geometry of the original and optimized blade was compared. The stage efficiency of the design point and under different operate conditions were compared. Stage and blade efficiency along span was analyzed in details. The blade loading at root mid top span of the original and optimized blade were discussed. Detailed flow field analysis shows that, after optimization, the peak Mach number of the root span profile was decreased from 1.22 to 1.09, which improves the flow field. Profile loss and end wall loss were also reduced. After optimization, maximum centrifugal stress and the maximum air bending stress were decreased which leads to improved blade life and safety. The number of blades and b/h were suggested for the last stage blade.

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