
Unsteady aerodynamic loads on NACA 0012 airfoil with a trailing-edge flap were measured in wind tunnel and calculated from a simple theoretical model. The airfoil model of 0.18 m chord length used in wind-tunnel test was oscillating in pitch about an axis located at 35% chord length from the airfoil leading edge. The length of trailingedge flap was 22.6% of airfoil chord. The flap was also deflecting harmonically, but with frequency different from airfoil pitching motion. The influence of phase delay between airfoil angle of incidence and flap deflection at the beginning of the motion was considered. The theoretical method used for calculation of unsteady airfoil loads is based on two-dimensional, inviscid, incompressible flow model at subsonic Mach numbers. The expressions for unsteady aerodynamic loads calculations on the airfoil and on the flap were obtained in a closed form using distribution of flow velocity potential along the airfoil chord and along the flap length. Lift and aerodynamic moment measured in the wind tunnel were compared with results of calculations. The correlation between experimental and theoretical results is adequate.

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