
of coupling synthetic jet actuators with a divergent trailing edge on a swept wing were investigated. An array of seven synthetic jet actuators were embedded into the trailing edge of a modied NACA 652 215 swept wing section with an aspect ratio, AR = 5:3 and chord Reynolds number of Rec = 85; 000. The traditional sharp trailing edge was replaced by a divergent trailing edge with a characteristic scale of 0.03C. Qualitative changes in the ow were observed using smoke wire ow visualization. A two-component, load balance was used to measure the aerodynamic forces on the wing model, and ensemble averaged PIV measurements were taken to quantify the changes in the ow eld near the synthetic jet orice. The combined eect of a divergent trailing edge and synthetic jets produced a signicant increase in lift accompanied by an increase in drag through all angles of attack up to stall. As a consequence of the lift gain, there was an increase in the lift to drag ratio at low angles of attack.

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