
The efficacy of aerial electrostatic-charged sprays was evaluated for spray deposit characteristics and season-long control of sweet potato whitefly (SWF), Bemisia tabaci Genn. biotype B (aka B. argentifolii Bellows & Perring), in an irrigated 24 ha cotton field. Treatments included electrostatic-charged sprays at full and half active ingredient (AI) label rate, uncharged sprays and conventional sprays applied with CP nozzles at full label rate with several different insecticides. Spray droplet size was significantly smaller for electrostatic-charged sprays than for conventional sprays in top- and mid-canopy locations. The seasonal mean numbers of viable eggs and live large nymphs on cotton treated with electrostatic-charged sprays were comparable with those on cotton treated with conventional applications. Lethal concentration (LC(50)) for adults for electrostatic-charged sprays was comparable with that for conventional sprays. The amenability of electrostatic-charged sprays to a wide array of pesticides with different chemistries should be a useful tool in combating insect resistance. Results reported here suggest that the potential exists for obtaining increased efficacy against whiteflies using an electrostatic spray charging system, and that additional research will be required to improve charge-to-mass (Q/M) ratio in order to increase deposition of pest control materials to the lower surfaces of cotton leaves where the whiteflies reside.

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